Old homes bring new life to West Baltimore

BALTIMORE — Turning back the clock here in the 800 block of Harlem Avenue in the Upton community where once-majestic rowhomes are being restored to their former selves. “These blighted homes in the 800 blocks of Harlem and Edmondson have been vacant for over 20 years and have been through several stalled development projects,” said Upton Planning Committee Board Chairman Darroll Cribb. At times, it seemed like restoring three dozen city-owned vacants and that many more identified by the community’s planning committee would never happen, but now the first five have been completed.

By |2021-11-18T19:45:35+00:00November 18, 2021|Latest News|0 Comments

Design For Distancing: UPC & PA Main Street are Supporting Pennsylvania Avenue Business Community During COVID

Design for Distancing is a tactical Public Health and Business [...]

By |2021-03-09T22:28:20+00:00March 9, 2021|Latest News|0 Comments
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